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Why It’s Important to Go to the Dentist on a Regular Basis

smiling male dentist

The dentist is something that a lot of people dread. This is not surprising. There are a lot of people out there who aren't completely comfortable with someone getting all up in their faces, let alone leaving their mouths hanging open for what seems like forever. Not to mention the bright lights and the tools. You should still visit the dentist on a regular basis for some pretty good reasons.

gum lines being checked by dentist

Get Your Teeth Cleaned

Clean teeth are far more likely to be healthy teeth. This is because cleaning them reduces the plaque-forming bacteria that are found in the mouth and helps remove the plaque itself. Plaque can form within 12-24 hours, which is why it’s recommended that you brush your teeth twice a day. Still, it’s hard to make sure you get every part of your teeth cleaned, given that you can’t actually see your whole mouth without some extra mirrors. Then there’s stuff like tartar that can’t be removed without professional dental help. Regular, thorough cleaning from your dentist is a good way to protect the health of your teeth.

braces on teeth mold

Check for Teeth Alignment Issues

It’s not just clean teeth that are more likely to be healthy - it’s properly aligned teeth too. The thing about alignment is that teeth naturally move over time, but it’s in such small increments that you might not even notice it yourself. A dentist is more likely to though. If they find teeth alignment issues, they may recommend that you get braces, even as an adult. It’s becoming more common for adults to get braces these days. While that’s technically something that falls under orthodontic care, not dentistry, a dentist can identify those who are likely to benefit from braces due to alignment issues and recommend an orthodontist to visit for more help.

drawing of a sad broken tooth with bandages

Fix Problems Before They Get Worse

Tooth decay is a serious problem and one that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later. Some signs of tooth decay are subtle enough that you might not notice them. Again, a dentist is trained to not only notice these signs but to fix the problem as well. Don’t make the mistake of ignoring dental problems and hoping they’ll go away. That’s not how it works. You’ll need professional dental care to reverse the damage.

Everyone wants to be healthy, and taking good care of your teeth is a good way to start. Your dentist can be your best ally in this endeavor, which is why it’s so important to see them on a regular basis. Dental technology has come a long way over the last several years. You might be surprised by how much more comfortable you end up being than you think you will be.

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